Health and Safety information and resources
Wood Working
HSE have recently updated their woodworking guidance in preparation for HSE Inspectors visiting woodworking businesses across Great Britain to ensure dutyholders know the risks associated with woodworking and have effective controls in place to keep workers safe and protect their respiratory health.

How COVID-19 early outbreak management action cards help fight the virus – ENGLAND
The action cards provide instructions to anyone responsible for a business or organisation on what to do in the event of one or more confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in your organisation. These quick-reference guides provide key steps to help you quickly identify, report and respond to any potential COVID-19 outbreak within your local community. A COVID-19 outbreak is more than one confirmed case of COVID-19. Depending on the type of organisation, this may also include ‘possible’ cases of COVID-19. The action cards have been developed to cover a range of businesses and organisations to provide specific advice on the issues each type of organisation may face now lockdown restrictions have been eased. They complement existing outbreak control guidance, and signpost to other useful information to help business owners and managers fully understand their responsibilities in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19.
Visitor and Contractor Considerations
We have put together some points to consider when welcoming contractors and visitors back to your site – Visitors and Contractors Considerations
Return to Work Questionnaire – COVID-19
We have put together an editable questionnaire to help you manage your return to work – Return to Work Questionnaire
What you need to know about Asbestos – Asbestos Fact Sheet-Occhnet
Local exhaust ventilation system daily log book – LEV Log Book
What you should know about The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations – COSHH Info Sheet
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Display Screen Equipment Fact Sheet – DSE Fact Sheet
Risk Assessment for the use of Hand Sanitiser
Downloadable and editable risk assessment for the use of Hand sanitiser and frequent hand washing. –Hand Sanitiser Risk Assessment