Stone workers are at risk of exposure to airborne particles of stone dust containing respirable crystalline silica (RCS) when processing stone, including engineered stone, by cutting, chiselling, and polishing.
Why this matters
Breathing in the silica particles in stone dust over time can cause permanent, life-changing, and often fatal lung conditions.
This includes:
- silicosis
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- lung cancer
New guidance available
HSE has worked with the industry to create new guidance that will help protect worktop installers. The guidance explains what employers and workers need to do to stay safe from stone dust.
The guidance covers 3 main areas:
- competent staff and effective processes – how to ensure workers are properly trained and processes protect them
- pre-installation actions – what to do before installation begins
- on-site installation actions – how to work safely during installation
Installing stone worktops: protect against harmful natural or artificial stone dust
Sampling Controls and Advice
Contact Occhnet Ltd for professional qualified advice.