Once more a huge congratulations to Holly for passing the British Occupational Hygiene Society qualifications
M507: Effects of Hazardous Substances and
M501: Measurement of Hazardous Substances.

Once more a huge congratulations to Holly for passing the British Occupational Hygiene Society qualifications
M507: Effects of Hazardous Substances and
M501: Measurement of Hazardous Substances.
Stone workers are at risk of exposure to airborne particles of stone dust containing respirable crystalline silica (RCS) when processing stone, including engineered stone, by cutting, chiselling, and polishing.
Breathing in the silica particles in stone dust over time can cause permanent, life-changing, and often fatal lung conditions.
This includes:
HSE has worked with the industry to create new guidance that will help protect worktop installers. The guidance explains what employers and workers need to do to stay safe from stone dust.
The guidance covers 3 main areas:
Installing stone worktops: protect against harmful natural or artificial stone dust
Contact Occhnet Ltd for professional qualified advice.
On International Womens Day 2022 it seems only fitting to say a massive congratulations to Holly Welch for achieving her University Diploma in Event Safety Management.
Work-related stress and mental health problems often go together and the symptoms can be very similar.
Work-related stress can aggravate an existing mental health problem, making it more difficult to control. If work-related stress reaches a point where it has triggered an existing mental health problem, it becomes hard to separate one from the other.
Common mental health problems and stress can exist independently – people can experience work-related stress and physical changes such as high blood pressure, without having anxiety, depression or other mental health problems. They can also have anxiety and depression without experiencing stress. The key differences between them are their cause(s) and the way(s) they are treated.
Stress is a reaction to events or experiences in someone’s home life, work life or a combination of both. Common mental health problems can have a single cause outside work, for example bereavement, divorce, postnatal depression, a medical condition or a family history of the problem. But people can have these sorts of problems with no obvious causes.
As an employer, you can help manage and prevent stress by improving conditions at work. But you also have a role in making adjustments and helping someone manage a mental health problem at work.
Source: HSE
Department Name:
Chemicals, Explosives and Microbiological Hazards Division (CEMHD)
Bulletin No:
CEMHD1 – 2020
Issue Date:
10 September 2020
Target Audience:
Key Issues:
This safety alert highlights the risk of misleading gas detection readings associated with the use of sampling tubes with pumped gas detectors. Sampling tubes are sometimes used to extend the reach of the detection device and/or to allow detection at an increased distance from the user.
In a recent incident a gas detector failed to detect the presence of a flammable vapour. Hot work proceeded in the belief that there was no flammable vapour present. The subsequent explosion resulted in a fatal injury.
The investigation found that a significant contributor to the failure to detect the flammable vapour was it being adsorbed on the inner surface of the sample tube. This meant that no flammable vapour reached the detector before the test was completed and a false conclusion that the work area was free of flammable vapour.
This incident has highlighted the importance of selecting the correct systems for gas detection and verifying the effectiveness of the detection system.
The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the risk of adsorption if an unsuitable sample tube is used.
Source: HSE
During these Covid-19 restrictions, everyone who can is now having to work from home. For young workers and their managers this may present additional considerations and challenges to be overcome.
Workstation and DSE
The HSE have advised that for those working from home temporarily home workstation assessments are not needed. Advice could be provided for home workers on completing their own basic assessment at home. Younger workers could well be living at home or in shared accommodation so are more likely to have to work where they can, as opposed to choosing where would be the most suitable place. As a result their workspace may have distractions and not allow for the ideal IT set-up.
Things to consider:
• Does the employee have the correct IT kit, for example screen, mouse?
• Does the employee have a desk or makeshift desk? Is space for a desk set-up available? Can a kitchen table be used, for example, if a desk isn’t available?
• Can the employee work comfortably? Will using cushions make the seating more comfortable?
• Does the employee know how to get help with IT or kit issues?
• Breaks should be taken from DSE work (a minimum of 5 minutes each hour).
• The employee should change position regularly, get-up and stretch.
• If an employee doesn’t have the correct work equipment, breaks should be taken every 25 minutes to stretch.
Source: Barbour